Essential oils
Laurus nobilisLAURUS NOBILIS LEAF OIL Certifications
Olfactory family
Procédé d'obtention
Steam distillation
of leaves
of leaves
Quantité minimale
0.100 kg
Essential oil Noble laurel (Turkey)
Fresh, powerful and spicy, Laurel essential oil is, in energetic aromatherapy, the oil of self-confidence and energy. Its composition, rich in 1.8 cineole, terpenyl acetate, alpha-pinene, alpha-terpineol, beta-pinene, linalool, sabinene and terpinene-4-ol, makes it an ideal choice for use in well-being formulas (respiratory, immune, muscular, joint, oral and general), as well as in cosmetics (hair tonic). It’s a must-have in aromatherapy.
Appearance : mobile liquid
Color : colourless to pale yellow
Odor : cineol, spicy, woody
Cosmetic, Diffusion, Food, Perfumery