Helichrysum italicumHELICHRYSUM ITALICUM FLOWER OILof top flowered parts
Essential oil Helichryse Italy Organic (Italy)
Italian Helichrysum essential oil is particularly rich in neryl acetate, gamma-curcumene, alpha-pinene and italidiones. With an intense and warm deep base note that’s particularly captivating in perfumery, it tends to emotional wounds in energetic aromatherapy. Its reputation in the cosmetic industry has been built on its anti-bruising, healing, circulatory, and anti-aging properties. As an anti-catarrhal, mucolytic, hypocholesterolemic, and liver-regenerating agent, it holds significant value in the realm of well-being.
Appearance : clear mobile liquid
Color : very pale yellow-green to orange or green depending on the nature of the still and the floral stage
Odor : fresh, aromatic, spicy, terpenic
Cosmetic, Diffusion, Food, Perfumery