Helpac laboratory, Gemmotherapy specialist
Based in the Auvergne region of France for almost 30 years, the Helpac laboratory specializes in aromatherapy and gemmotherapy. Keen to bring the natural benefits of medicinal and aromatic plants to as many people as possible, the company produces and markets a wide range of products: essential oils, aromatic hydrolats, vegetable oils, as well as the organic bud buds-macerates at the heart of gemmotherapy. A veritable concentrate of benefits, these buds macerates made from organic buds and young shoots bring the natural power of plants within reach of a bottle!
Gemmotherapy, the “medicine of buds”
Discovered by Doctor Pol Henry in 1959, gemmotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that uses the properties of plant buds and young shoots to prevent or cure health problems. The embryonic tissues of plants contain numerous active ingredients (minerals, amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, growth hormones, etc.) necessary for the development of the future plant, some of which disappear when the plant reaches maturity. Buds and young shoots are concentrates of the future plant, combining the properties of all its constituents – flowers, leaves and fruit – already present in buds in the embryonic stage. They therefore possess powerful biochemical and energetic properties, and it is this natural resource that gemmotherapy aims to exploit for its health benefits.
Specializing in gemmotherapy, also known as phyto-embryotherapy, the Helpac laboratory produces a wide range of organic buds acerates containing the active substances found in young shoots. These bud macerates are natural products capable of preventing or curing common ailments to keep the body in good health. Absorbed orally as a supplement to a balanced diet, they can be used as a course of treatment lasting several weeks for in-depth action.
Depending on the bud used, and any synergies created with other buds, organic bud buds-macerates can be useful in preventing or alleviating various health concerns. Many naturopaths, homeopaths and phytotherapists regularly use gemmotherapy to relieve their patients’ ailments. Indicated for circulatory problems, joint pain, fatigue or sleep disorders, organic bud buds-macerates can also be used for hormonal disorders, allergies or concentration problems.
Helpac, gemmotherapy specialist
But what exactly is a buds macerate, and how are the precious plant extracts contained in fresh plants recovered? Buds macerates are preparations obtained by macerating fresh buds and organic young shoots in a mixture of water, alcohol and vegetable glycerine, hence the name “glycerine” macerate. Maceration lasts several weeks, during which time each component of the mixture absorbs the active ingredients contained in the buds. The water extracts vitamins and mineral salts, while the glycerine is loaded with phenols… At the end of this maceration period, the mother macerates are simply filtered and bottled.
The Helpac laboratory produces its mother macerates according to the rules recommended by Dr. Pol Henry, pioneer and founder of gemmotherapy. Fresh plants are macerated in a mixture of water, organic wheat alcohol (96% vol.) and organic soy glycerine. The buds macerate in the laboratory for 21 days before being filtered and bottled. The resulting product is known as a concentrated macerate, as it undergoes no dilution. This concentration makes it easy to take orally, since just a few drops diluted in a glass of water are enough to benefit from the bud’s active ingredients. One bottle is enough for a several-week course of mother-macerate treatment.
The Helpac laboratory offers a range of single bud macerates, as well as organic complexes combining several plant buds for synergistic action on targeted problems. The natural way to protect your body from common ailments.
Helpac : the benefits of nature for people
In order to offer safe and effective natural products, the Helpac laboratory imposes stringent quality criteria on its products, from harvesting to packaging. To make its bud mother-macerates, the laboratory uses only buds that have been carefully selected and harvested one by one, at full maturity, by its network of environmentally-friendly gatherers. The plants used are certified organic by ECOCERT, and for the most part grow locally, in the natural parks of Auvergne.
Maceration then takes place on site, in the Helpac laboratory. By rigorously controlling the various production phases, from harvesting the buds from the plants to bottling, we can guarantee rigorous traceability and the quality of our organic bud mother-macerates. In each bottle, you’ll find the benefits of nature and powerful active health ingredients, as well as all the experience and know-how of a laboratory that pioneered natural, environmentally-friendly products.